Genealogy Presentations

If you are interested in contacting Jeanette to speak to your organization, please look at the website menu for contact information and a list of presentation topics that Jeanette has available.  She is available for both local in-person (Western New York) and virtual presentations.

Contact at: [email protected]

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VGA's Birthday Party 2024

Watch Jeanette's Presentation "My Current Obsession: WPA Inventories" at the VGA YouTube Channel:

VGA's Birthday Party 2023

Watch Jeanette's Presentation "Delayed Birth records" at the VGA YouTube Channel:

VGA's Birthday Party 2022

Watch Jeanette's Presentation "Using's My Tree Tags" at the VGA YouTube Channel:

RootsTech 2022

Watch Jeanette's Presentation "New York State Census Overview" at the RootsTech 2022 Conference:

Virtual Genealogical Association

Jeanette is the owner and President of the Virtual Genealogical Association (VGA).  VGA was founded in 2018 and has virtual programs at least twice a month in addition to Special Interest Groups (SIGs) and an annual conference.

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Association of Professional Genealogists

Jeanette is a member of the Association of Professional Genealogists (APG) and is enjoying giving genealogy presentations.  She is selective about taking clients for research reports, and is available for look-ups in her local area.

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Niagara County Genealogical Society

In her home county of Niagara County, NY, Jeanette is the past Chairman of the Board, current Society Vice President, Librarian, and Programming Chair.

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ProGen Study Groups

Jeanette is a graduate of the ProGen Study Groups program (ProGen 49).  She completed the course in August 2021 where she spent fourteen months studying the various aspects of becoming a Professional Genealogist.

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Western New York Genealogical Society

Eight counties make up the area for the Western New York Genealogical Society (WNYGS) of which Jeanette is a past member of the board as a Director and is currently the Programming Chair.

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Thank You for Visiting Jeanette's Genealogy!
