My DAR Revolutionary War Soldier, Samuel Harding, received a pension from the Federal Government for payment of his service. His pension has been digitized and posted on Fold3:,246,samuel.
Some time ago, I came across this news article from the Wellsboro Agitator on 23 September 1884:

The article stated that on 16 May 1818 that an affidavit was sworn before an Associate Judge of Tioga County and certified by the County Prothonotary where Samuel Harding was saying that he served nine months in the Revolutionary War, but was only receiving pension for two months.
In my Researching Family in Pennsylvania (RFIPA) course this morning, I was able to ask The Legal Genealogist, Judy Russell, about this article. I wondered why Samuel was complaining to the Civil Court of his County concerning a Federal Pension.
Judy Russell’s website:
She responded (something to the effect) that in order for Samuel to have his pension concern heard federally, he had to have it recorded locally (sort of like having the case vetted).
I called the Tioga County Prothonotary and they gave me the directions to request a copy of the affidavit to be mailed to me. I sent off the request letter, $5 check, and a SASE and can’t wait to see what comes back from them!