PI 168 Description:
2. LETTERS SENT. Oct. 3, 1789-Dec. 31, 1910; May 22, 1912-Aug. 30, 1913; Jan. 1, 1915-Dec. 31, 1952. 502 vols. 90 ft.
Fair, press, and carbon copies of letters relating mainly to post offices, postmasters, mail transportation, mail contracts, departmental organizations, appropriations, budgetary matters, legislation, postal laws and regulations, international mail service, international postal conventions, postage stamps, personnel, mail frauds, lottery cases, and claims against the Post Office Department and postmasters. Each volume of the fair and press copies of letters up to May 28, 1908 contains an alphabetical index by name of correspondent or by subject. The letters are arranged chronologically.
National Archives Identifier (NAID): 2635734
This Series is partially online.
Nara Catalog: https://catalog.archives.gov/id/2635734
This Series was microfilmed as part of NARA M601.
Sample Page from 1825:

Jeanette’s Sample Citation:
U.S. National Archives, National Archives Catalog, database with images (https://catalog.archives.gov/id/2635734 : 1 February 2025) > NA Identifier (NAID) 146236556: “August 23, 1825-March 28, 1826,” image 65 of 286, page 60, 11 October 1825, Avery Fosgate, Amsterdam, NY; citing Letters Sent, Record Group 28: Records of the Post Office Department; National Archives, Washington, D.C.