PI 168 Description:
68. RECORD OF APPOINTMENT OF POSTMASTERS. 1815-32. 6 vols. 2 ft.
The volumes are numbered 2-7. Volume 2 is divided into three parts: (1) the names of post offices in operation in 1814, arranged alphabetically, (2) the names of post offices inadvertently omitted from the first group, (3) the names of post offices established from 1815 to 1818, arranged by date of establishment. For each post office are given the name and date of appointment of each postmaster, the number assigned to the post office by the Postmaster General, any changes in the name of the post office, the date of discontinuance, the amount of the surety bond, and the date of any changes int he bond.
Volume 3 is divided into two parts: (1) the names of post offices in operation in 1818, arranged alphabetically, and (2) the names of post offices established from 1818 to 1823, arranged by date of establishment or change in name. In addition to the types of information concerning each post office that are given in Volume 2, this volume gives the names of sureties. (The first part of this volume also gives, for each post office, the name of the last postmaster listed in Volume 2.)
Volume 4 is divided into two parts: (1) the names of post offices in operation in 1824, arranged alphabetically, and (2) the names of post offices established from 1825 to 1827, arranged by date of establishment. In addition to the types of information concerning each post office that are given in Volume 3, this volume gives the name of the county in which each post office is located.
Volume 5 is divided into two parts: (1) the names of all post offices in operation in 1827, arranged alphabetically, and (2) the names of post offices established from January 1827 to October 1828, arranged by date of establishment. This volume gives the same types of information concerning each post office as are given in volume 4.
Volumes 6 and 7 are arranged by the first letter of the name of the post office, A-L and M-Z, respectively. Under each letter, post offices in existence in 1828 are arranged alphabetically, followed by post offices established from 1828 to 1832, arranged by date of establishment. In addition to the same types of information concerning each post office as are given in Volume 4, these two volumes give the dates of name changes for many post offices.
National Archives Identifier (NAID): 609088
This Series is fully available online.
Nara Catalog: https://catalog.archives.gov/id/609088
This Series was microfilmed as part of NARA M1131.
Finding Aids:
The Finding Aids room at NARA 1 has a few pages about Entry 68 combined with Entry 69:
Sample Page from Volume 5 (1827-1828):

Jeanette’s Sample Citation:
U.S. National Archives, National Archives Catalog, database with images (https://catalog.archives.gov/id/75494343 : 17 August 2024) > NA Identifier (NAID) 75494343: “1827-1828,” image 5 of 231, entry 2, Moses Taggart postmaster, Abbeville post office, Abbeville, SC; citing Records of Appointment of Postmasters, 1814–1832, Record Group 28: Records of the Post Office Department; National Archives, Washington, D.C.