For week 12 of 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks the theme was “Popular.” In trying to think about all of my ancestors, I thought I remembered the use of the word “popular” in a newspaper article about Ella Webb Whittaker. My memory was good!

— Miss Inez Whittaker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Whittaker, of Buffalo, formerly of this place, is to be married this Thursday evening to Ernest W. Larkin, also of Buffalo. It is to be a Church wedding. Miss Whittaker’s mother was Miss Ella Webb, at one time one of Covington’s popular young ladies.
I really don’t know much about Ella’s (aka Gammy’s) personality. It was nice to hear that when she was younger that she was very well liked.
I have read some very nice things about many people in my family tree – mostly found in obituaries. It might be a nice project to put together someday of just all of the nice things that I can find. Maybe in a book or a photo slideshow. Something to add to the to-do list!