For week 20 of 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks the theme was “Travel.” Many of the people in my family tree have traveled and left evidence of adventures whether it is mentioned in newspaper articles, diaries, and/or correspondence. An example of “Travel” for this blog post is of my 2nd great-grandmother, Nellie Stratton Larkin.

In 1928, Nellie traveled to Boston, Massachusetts. While there, she sent a postcard to her son and daughter-in-law: Albert and Mae (Bernard) Larkin.

The postcard that Nellie sent to her son and daughter-in-law from Boston features a picture of The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts. Park view. View No. 26MC. © The Christian Science Publishing Society, 1927.

The postcard is stamped from being sent in Boston, Mass in 1928. If the date was there, it cannot be seen.

Nellie wrote:
“This is such a wonderful place that I would like to stay here for ever am having the best time I ever had. love to all Mother”
Nellie was widowed at the time of this trip as her husband, Patrick Larkin, had passed away two years earlier in 1926. I wonder if she traveled alone or with a friend, family, or group. I wonder if she was attending an event or just sight-seeing. Regardless, it is warming to hear that she was having a wonderful time on her travels.