I had no idea there were so many different DAR Chapters in Western New York. On the DAR website, there is a Chapter Locator: https://www.dar.org/national-society/become-member/chapter-locations. When I put in Lockport, NY as the search locator, there were many results.
The ones that were closest to me were:
- Niagara Falls (Niagara Falls): http://niagaradar.lakeontariodesign.com/ This is the chapter that I will be joining.
- Williams Mills (Williamsville): http://www.nydar.org/chapters/wmsmills.html
- Abigail Fillmore (Buffalo)
- Katharine Pratt Horton (Buffalo): This was the chapter that my 2nd great-grandmother, Ella Webb Whittaker, joined.
- Polly Gillet Hull (Buffalo)
- Anna Ingalsbe Lovell (Batavia): http://www.nydar.org/chapters/lovell.html
- Mary Jemison (Warsaw): http://www.nydar.org/chapters/mjemison.html
- Major Benjamin Bosworth (Silvercreek): http://www.nydar.org/chapters/maj-benjaminbosworth.html