PI 168 Description:
1. ORDERS (“JOURNALS”). July 7, 1835-Mar. 5, 1953. 1,146 vols. 325 ft.
Copies of orders of the Postmaster General relating to the establishment, discontinuance, and reestablishment of post offices; changes in names and sites of post offices; appointments of postmasters; establishment and discontinuance of free delivery service, post office substations, distributing post offices, rural delivery offices, and money order stations; mail transportation; appointment, promotion, transfer, or resignation of employees; and violations of postal laws and regulations.
Also included among the order are references to allowances for special services, compensation to postmasters and employees, departmental reorganizations, false returns by postmasters, invitations for bids for operating mail routes and furnishing equipment and supplies, international postal conventions, military postal services (in Cuba, the Philippine Islands, Puerto Rico, and France), telegraph and cable rates, changes in mail contracts, purchase of equipment and supplies, maintenance of post offices, and appointment of departmental committees to investigate the operations and administration of the Post Office Department.
Orders for the periods July 7, 1835, to July 1, 1867, and February 17, 1920, to March 5, 1953, are arranged chronologically. Orders for the period July 1, 1867, to February 18, 1920, are arranged by subject and thereunder chronologically. Described in entry 64 are other orders for the period July 1, 1867, to February 18, 1905, drafted by the First Assistant Postmaster General for the Postmaster General’s signature and relating mainly to post offices and postmasters. Described in entry 51 is a register of “fraud orders” for the period November 1879 to June 30, 1951.
National Archives Identifier (NAID): 612762
This Series is not yet available online on the National Archives website.
NARA Catalog: https://catalog.archives.gov/id/612762
This Series is located at Archives 1 in DC.
Example Pull Slip:

Volume Cover:

Name Index in the front of the book:

Sample Page from Volume 7:

Jeanette’s Sample Citation:
Charles Philips’ postmaster appointment, “Journal,” volume 7, page 318, 29 April 1840; Orders, July 7, 1835-March 5, 1953; Record Group 28: Records of the Post Office Department; National Archives, Washington, D.C.