For week 8 of 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks the theme was “Prosperity.” I think there are many different ways that you can use this prompt concerning an ancestor. Initially, I thought of who in my tree that I know was the wealthiest but none of my direct ancestors seemed to fit that bill (pun intended! LOL).
I googled Prosperity and it does say that the usual definition is a type of success that comes from having a lot of money. However the Latin derivative means “favorable” or “fortunate.” There are many on my family tree that I think of connected with those two words.
One would be my great-grandfather, Frank Johnson. He was first married to a lady named Nina Scudder. They did not have children and she passed young after they had been married for 10 years.

Frank married a second time to my great-grandmother, Elizabeth McGinity. They were married for almost 40 years and had three children together.

After Elizabeth’s death in 1950, Frank married two more times. I think Frank was fortunate to find love and marry so many very nice ladies and to spend his life with them.