I received an e mail from a beginner genealogist asking if there were certain charts that I liked to use. Though I will still draw a hand tree occasionally when I am first introduced to a family, I haven’t used formal charts in a long time (as I tend to enjoy building the trees online).
When I began in the early 2000s, I remember using them all of the time. Of course, that was prior to all of the different software choices and all of the online family tree-building opportunities.
I replied back to the beginner genealogist that when I do use paper charts, that my favorites have always been the standards: Pedigree Charts and Family Group Sheets.
I googled and the ones that I used to print off way back when, are still available on Ancestry for free: https://www.ancestry.com/cs/charts-and-forms

I also shared a link to all of the Charts and Forms available at Cyndi’s List: https://cyndislist.com/charts/
Lastly, I also mentioned online tree-building at Ancestry or FamilySearch. I hope those links helped the beginner and it was nice to go down memory lane a bit and remember back when I used those Ancestry charts all the time.